Monday, December 6, 2010

Levi potty training himself ??

So we tried a few potty training techniques with Isaiah sometime after he had turned two.  I don't remember too much of what we tried other than I remember not pushing it and not getting too worried about it.  On July 4, 2009 Isaiah declared that he no longer wore diapers anymore and he pretty much didn't from then on. (Click here to read my potty training post from August 2009).

Because of this experience, we new well enough not to push things with Levi.  We have played into his interest in the potty.  For months he's been willing to go on the potty chair, in fact when he was around 18 months old he was going regularly.  But after a few weeks or a month this grew old and he had absolutely no interest in the potty.  The last month or so he's starting to show interest again, and I think he might be potty training himself, here's why...

1 - He now typically prefers to wear undies over a diaper.  (but sometimes prefers for a diaper over undies)
2 - He usually keeps the underwear dry.  (only 1 or 2 accidents in the past week or so!)
3 - He will go potty by himself and come out of the bathroom and say, "I went potty!" (He needs no reward to go!!)
4 - If you ask him if he needs to go potty, he will answer honestly most of the time.  (He'll say yes and will then go or he'll say no and continue to stay dry).

and a few success stories!!

1 - Levi and I were at Wal-Mart the other day and he told me he needed to go potty!  We went in the bathroom, his diaper was dry and he peed on the potty!!

2 - He fell asleep for nap with his underwear on (Mark totally forgot he had undies on under his jeans) and was dry through nap time!  (but refused to go when he got up, and did have an accident shortly after.  I think this was mainly because we had to wake him from his nap - he no longer gets to nap as long as he wants - mainly because I like to have him in bed before 11pm!)

3 - A few mornings ago he woke up saying, "Mommy!  Mommy!  I need to go potty!  Mommy!  I need to go potty!"  I went in and got him, his diaper was dry and he peed on the potty!!

I can't believe it, but I think we are on the road to a diaper free home!!  I just bought a huge box of diapers (104 or something), do you think this could be the last box that we buy?  I'll keep you posted!

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