Saturday, December 11, 2010

Preschool Pictures!

Isaiah's preschool class had a professional photographer come to take school pictures!  I was expecting the classic head shot like I had taken of me when I was in school.  Well, I thought wrong. :)  I am slightly disappointed that I didn't send him in a nicer pair (or maybe just a little longer - he's finally outgrowing the 3T pants!) of jeans and shoes, but I am pleased with how they turned out!  Isn't he handsome?
And here his ENTIRE class.  Both Isaiah and Caiden confirmed with me that all of his class made it to school on picture day!
According to Isaiah, here's who you see in the class picture above!

Front row:  Christian, Isaiah, Caiden, Liam, Jace, Keegan
Middle row: Isabelle, Lana, Kaden Stuber, Violet, Zoe, Cate, Hanna
Back row: Mrs. Willhite, Ethan, Joshua, Kit, Jaxon, Jonathan, Ben, Mrs. Knapp

Isaiah absolutely LOVES preschool.  He asks every day if it is a school day and when we tell him it's not, he is disappointed.  He is learning so much - both academically and socially.  I am so excited for him!

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