Thursday, March 1, 2012

2 months

On 2-12-12 Titus was 2 months old. He's become such an important addition to our family and I must say we all love him so very much.
The big brothers LOVE to be IN HIS FACE.  Which is NOT where the parents want them to be - so that's been a bit of a challenge :)  Titus doesn't need on the mouth kisses all day long, but it is sweet that they love him enough to want to love on him!  The kisses often make him look like this...
Titus continues to love to be on his tummy and prefers to sleep that way too - which we have allowed him to do during naps if he's not zonked out in his carseat.  It's fun to let him lay on a blanket and just kick his legs both on his tummy and back...and he enjoys the company down on the blanket with him - he will face you when you talk to him.  (although the eye contact isn't there most of the time)
He continues to co-sleep with me which is what works for our family - I know not recommended by all (but also recommended by some).  He loves to sleep right next to me and usually nurses himself to sleep, gets up once or twice in the night to eat again and sleeps until I get up.  (which is typically when Levi gets up around 7:15--or sometimes a bit later if Mark is able to get up with Levi!)  I feel like we are both pretty well rested when morning comes again.  He also naps a couple hours in the morning, a couple hours in the afternoon, and a couple more in the evening...sometimes he falls asleep in Mark or my arms and we can lay him in our bed to sleep, he often falls asleep in the carseat and will stay asleep there or other times he spends his nap right in my arms.  I do (try to) cherish those naps and not think of all the things I could be doing instead! 
He has started to smile, but only when he wants to and not super huge grins yet - we are still waiting!  He has very clear facial expressions and will let you know by looking if he's happy, upset, tired, etc.  Below is the closestI got of a smile close to his 2 month birthday. 
He continues to be mellow and easy going which is exactly what we needed around here.  
Happy 2 months baby!

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