Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Isaiah's big idea.

One day after I picked Isaiah up from school he tells me that we need to go to the store to get the ingredients for a recipe that Mrs. Williams made for them one day at school (not that day).  I agreed since he had never asked for anything like this before and I was a bit curious.  We get to HyVee and he says that he needs Cool Whip, Oreo Cookies, Chocolate Syrup and Teddy Grahams... hmmmm... I then asked him what Mrs. Williams made and he said that she made caves and the Teddy Grahams got to hibernate (they were having a week on hibernation).  I was guessing that she made the oreo cream stuff that includes a few more ingredients than what Isaiah said, but he insisted that it didn't.  We rarely have sweet treats in our house so I decided that we'd go with this.  I let Isaiah make his treats which he smashed oreos in a baggie and then took a big scoop of Cool Whip and put the cookies on top and then poured plenty of chocolate syrup on it -- I had to remind him about the Teddy Graham he was supposed to hide :).  He of course was happy to make one for Levi too.  I must admit it was a pretty yummy treat - funny enough, neither boy finished or asked about it again.  Somehow the Oreos disappeared though :) 


Michele said...

I want some...it looks very good

マッタイ said...

That looks DELICIOUS! Maybe they should make dark chocolate Oreos...I bet that would make mommy happy!!!