Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Isaiah and Levi's first baseball game!

Last Monday night (June 1) we went to the Waterloo Buck's baseball game...this was both Isaiah and Levi's first ever baseball game! The weather was perfect! (sunny and warm) and there was a crowd, but it wasn't crowded. I think it was a good game? There was so much going on that I hardly even noticed the game! :) but I think that may have just been me! My mom, Isaiah, Levi and I drove separately from Mark, his mom and my dad knowing that the kids would probably only make it through an hour or so of the game -- and bedtime would be long before it was over. (The game started at 7).

Isaiah was excited to go, and seemed to have a great time while he was there (and I not only because we let him walk and crawl along the bleachers). He watched some of the game on daddy's lap (okay, like 5 minutes or less), looked around at all of the people, watched the games they had after each inning and enjoyed a hot dog, pickles and popcorn!

Levi had fun too...being passed between grandparent and parent and seeing all the people.

We happened to run into my friend Angie's mom, Jan, at the game...She was like my second mom throughout junior high and high school... I don't get to see her (or Angie) enough these days, but it was so nice to see her...She always enjoys seeing the boys too... (She helped Angie watch Levi and Jonah a few weeks ago while Isaiah, Jayda, Laura and I went to Elmo--yes I still haven't posted about Elmo Live!!). She was so nice that she went and bought each of the boys a Bucks Baseball!! Thank you Jan!! Isaiah even got to meet the Buck's mascot and have him sign the balls!
Isaiah and daddy getting ready for the game by playing catch.
Levi all ready to go! Grandma Michele is a big Florida Marlins fan...so Mark, Grandma Michele and Levi went to the game dressed alike...
Let's go daddy!!
Go Bucks!
Go Marlins! :)
Daddy surprised Isaiah and bought him a "Go Bucks" finger to wave.
Isaiah and daddy getting the new baseballs signed.

We had so much fun! I think we may have to go to another game this season!

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