Wednesday, June 24, 2009

playing in the rain!

The weather here has been pretty crazy--lots of rain, HOT temperatures, thunderstorms, and tornado warnings! Thank goodness we have central air conditioning! (which we thought was broken the other day!! but luckily the breaker had just tripped when the power went out!--and thank goodness for friends who know the things to check before we paid the repair people $79 to come see what's wrong!)

Anyway, with all of the crazy weather, we've been doing crazy things! One really fun thing we did the other day was play in the rain!! It was a really, really warm evening rain, the temperature had to have been in the upper 80s to 90s and it was just HOT. I mentioned to Mark that when I was a little girl, my sister and I LOVED to play in the rain. My mom would let us run around outside with all of her tupperware containers and we would try to catch the rain...we'd put them on the rain spouts all around the house and run around and around the house trying to fill up the bigger containers. Let me tell you, we had a blast doing it. If I remember right, it was one of my sister and my favorite activities as a kid, right mom?

So after telling Mark this, he decided that he needed to run out in the rain with Isaiah. And boy did they have fun!!
Then he asked me to get them a few bowls. After a few seconds, he said, "what was the point of this again?" ha ha...I guess filling up bowls with rain water isn't quite as exciting when you are older than 8 years old.
I decided that I needed to go play too.
Levi happily watched all of the fun from the front step...
Until daddy came and got him and he got wet too! It was tons of fun...then the tornado sirens went off and we had to go inside to the basement - bummer.

The pictures are a little cloudy because it was so hot that my camera lens was fogging up!

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