Monday, June 22, 2009

Isaiah says...

Isaiah is a funny little boy...He is so smart ... and understands so much... I thought I'd share a few of the funny things he has been saying lately.

1-- A few weeks ago Mark picked Isaiah and Levi up from Laura's and had them in the car on the way home. Isaiah said, "Let's go geocaching." Daddy said, "we can't buddy, we have to go home and eat supper. And the GPS is in mommy's car." Isaiah says, "I'm going to count to three daddy." (Like he's getting in trouble---we use the one, two, three method on Isaiah and it usually works pretty good).

2-- For some reason I typically let Isaiah pick out what jammy's he wants to wear...He usually has a hard time deciding and almost ALWAYS picks the spiderman ones (we now have 3 pair because of this--good thing he's popular and I found them for 50 cents at a garage sale!)...I'm not really sure why he thinks Spiderman is so great--especially because I'm not sure he even understands who/what Spiderman is...One night he picked a spiderman T-shirt that isn't really jammys but we use it for bed...and so there are no pants that go with I picked a pair with dinosaurs on them and brought them out for him to put on...he looks at the jammy bottoms and then looks at me and says, "THAT DOESN'T MATCH!!!" He has been so into matching and finding and pointing out things that match. If he sees two red cars he will say, "those match!" or if he finds two shirts that both have a truck on them he'll say that they match.

3--The first day of our kitchen project I had to work all day so the boys were at Laura's house. When Mark brought them home, the kitchen sink and all of the kitchen counter had been ripped out. Isaiah saw it and in a very concerned voice says, "Who did this?" he was quite upset about it. After some explaining and showing him the new sink, dishwasher, etc, he's more okay with it. He's also very interested in the "worker" who's fixing our kitchen and LOVES to watch him (I've been home Tuesday and Wednesday) he keeps peeking in to see how he's doing. Thankfully the contractor that we hired is very nice and likes it when Isaiah checks in on him!

4--Isaiah is really starting to be more affectionate and express himself...The other day we were at the park and my mom met us there. He saw her and went running and yells, "I MISSED YOU!" For a long time he's said "I love you" back if you said it to him, but now he is often the one to say it first.

5--Isaiah has been crawling out of his crib (yes--crib still!:) and coming into our room in the morning for the past few of these days we'll put the toddler rails on!...a few mornings ago he crawled in with us (and Levi) and snuggled for awhile. Mark asked Isaiah if he dreamed about anything and Isaiah says,"yeah, birds." "Birds? What kind of birds?" Daddy asks. "Bluebirds." he said. "Oh...did you dream about anything else?" "Yeah...bees" ha ha ***since this day, we've asked him several more times what he dreamed about and he has ALWAYS responded with birds, and if we ask what color they are always blue.***

6--This past weekend we went out geocaching and ended up going to one that was really tough. We'd been looking for a little while (maybe 10 minutes) and couldn't find it. Finally Isaiah shouts out, "Come out, come out, wherever you are treasure!!" Too cute!

7--After the Buck's game I forgot to take out the baseballs that the boys received from my friend's mom Jan from the diaper bag (Thanks again Jan!) Isaiah found them in the bag one day at Laura's house. He showed her the balls and said, "a deer did this" as he pointed to the autograph where the Buck's mascot had signed. It took Laura a minute to realize what he was talking about... ha ha.

He's such a fun little boy, I could list stories all day long of how cute and sweet he is...

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