Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We had a silly little duck and a scary dragon help us celebrate Halloween this year! What fun did we have! The plan was to simply go around to a few friends and family members' houses to show off our cute little ones and then head home...but as we know, plans don't usually work the way we plan them! :) it got to be 3pm on Halloween and Mark and Isaiah were getting too excited for the fun to begin...Mark said, "isn't there anywhere that we can go trick-or-treating now? The festivities on Main Street were starting at that time. I'd told myself we weren't going to go down there this year because it just ends up being a big, slow-moving line, but I reminded Mark that that's what was going on. So we decided to go downtown. The kids were so excited to go!
What we found on Main Street was a really long, slow-moving line! :) But the kids enjoyed it. Isaiah got to say "trick-or-treat" a few times, and Levi got to cruise along in the stroller sucking no the wrapper of a sucker! haha
We decided to stop by Great-Grandma Jo's house next because she lives near Main Street. The boys were both excited to see her HUGE bucket full of candy. I think all 3 of them (Isaiah, Levi, and Great-Grandma) enjoyed digging through the bucket and transferring the candy to Isaiah and Levi's pumpkin buckets!
By now, we began to realize that we needed to eat supper before any of us filled up on candy! So we called my parents and told them we were bringing over Zio Johno's for supper. They didn't argue with that!
They even had special "treats" for Isaiah and Levi for Halloween. (The big shirt Isaiah is wearing below is to keep his shirt clean from the spaghetti! But he refused to eat any of it anyway and decided to have yogurt for dinner.)
Finally it was time to go actual Trick-or-Treating! By this time, Isaiah was getting pretty tired, and wasn't sure he even wanted to go. But we eventually got him out the door...
But after just a few minutes (maybe 15) Isaiah said, "I'm so tired, I'm ready to go home." :( So we went home. We are still trying to figure out how to handle Isaiah's sleep situation, so if anyone has any suggestions - please give them! If Isaiah takes a nap in the afternoon, he will not go to sleep at night until after 10 or even 11pm!! If he doesn't nap, he's tired by 6. oh well! before I know it, he'll be sleeping in till noon!!

Funny thing is, we came home, he rested and watched a show for about 10 minutes and was ready to be up and wrestling with daddy and Levi. Silly boy.

What a Happy Halloween! I hope you had a good one too!

By the way - you may recognize the dragon costume Isaiah is wearing. He was the exact same thing last year! ha ha. Click here to see pictures from last year. We had a few new costume choices, but he eventually decided to be a dragon again! :)

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