Thursday, November 5, 2009


Isaiah is such a busy little boy! He loves to be doing something ALL OF THE TIME! Which can make for some pretty crazy days! If I run across a fun, easy project - I remember it and do it with him. A few nights ago we made some racecars! What fun!

You need:
* Paper towel or toilet paper rolls
* Paint and brushes
* Hammer and nail
* Scissors
* Toothpicks
* Paper punch
* Straws
* Plastic bottle caps
* A mom and dad who will gather the last two items and bring them over to your house at 7:30pm so you can make the project! (Thank you mom and dad!!!!)
* and an excited little boy! -- see below
Step one - put the baby brother in his booster seat with something to do.
Step two - paint the tubes whatever color and design that you want - I decided to go simple and do solid colors
Step 3 - go to bed and wait until morning for the tubes to dry

Step 4 - cut a square hole in the tube on the top for a "person" to sit in

Step 5 - punch 4 holes in the tube, 2 at the front, 2 at the back - make sure to punch them low enough so the wheels will touch the ground (we learned from experience!)

Step 6 - put a straw through the holes and cut so there is just a tiny bit of straw showing

Step 7 - use the hammer and nail to make a tiny hole in the bottle caps

Step 8 - put a toothpick in one of the small holes of the bottle cap, put it through the straw and put another bottle cap on the other end, repeat.

Step 9 - Enjoy your racecar.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those sure are cute! Thanks for posting the instructions. Maybe we'll try that sometime!