Sunday, November 6, 2011

before I forget

Intro to the story - if you've never been to our house there is a door that closes the bedroom side of the house to the living room that we typically close when anyone is sleeping so things are quieter in the bedrooms.

We were tucking Levi in for the night and he looks up at Mark and says, "Can you please close that door (pointing out his room towards the door I mention above) so that I can sneak out?"

At nap time, we've been catching Levi playing in Isaiah's room or our bedroom instead of napping.  He's able to do this by sneaking out of his room and we don't notice because the door to the bedrooms is closed.  Now he's thinking of doing this at bedtime too??

His little question made Mark and my night.  I am guessing however that after this time change day and no nap, he'll be too tired to try it tonight - but I have a feeling tomorrow might be another story!

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