Sunday, November 13, 2011

grandpa & the tree

One late October day my dad stopped by to visit and the boys convinced him to climb up in the tree with them.  You may remember that the rule at our house is if you can climb the tree then you can play in it, but mommy won't help you up!  Well, Levi sweet talked Grandpa into getting him up in the tree too.  He was pretty excited and I got a sweet picture of grandpa and the boys. 
Levi still thinks he should be able to get up in the tree whenever he wants, but I'm holding my ground on the rule that he has to do it himself.  I'm hoping this spring he will be tall enough to do it!  (or maybe not, knowing Levi haha).

1 comment:

Em M. said...

Awww! Grandpa Carnahan looks like he's in heaven spending time with his grandsons :)