Saturday, November 12, 2011

Zoe's Costume Birthday Party

Isaiah's classmate Zoe turned 5 on October 24 and to celebrate she had a costume birthday party.  She invited all of her preschool classmates to come!  Of course the party happened to be on one of the few Saturdays that I do have to work so Caiden's mom LeAnna took Isaiah with her while Mark stayed home with napping Levi.  Luckily it was a slow day at my work so I was able to get away for an hour to join in on some of the fun!  All of the kids looked really cute!  It was fun to see what the other kids dressed up as - the birthday girl was Supergirl and both Isaiah and Caiden were Superman.  
 They had plenty of activities planned for the kids, but also gave them lots of down time to run around and enjoy each other.  I think the kids thought it was fun to see their classmates outside of school - at least 10 of their 16 kids were there - a great turn out!  The kids each got to color/sticker a pumpkin, have a few whacks at the pinata and a mummy game (? I wasn't there for that one).  The other neat thing about the party was the birthday request was each kid bring a donation for the Northeast Iowa Foodbank rather than a birthday gift.  It was fun to show the kids they can make a difference in someone else's life!
What a fun birthday idea - I'm sure glad that Isaiah and I were able to go!  

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