Monday, February 2, 2009

funny stories from Isaiah

Sometimes I wonder just how Isaiah comes up with things… He is always saying and doing things that make me laugh. I’ll tell you just a few of the cute stories I remember from the last few weeks…

A few weeks ago he had a little cold…
We were running around playing chase and all of a sudden he stops running and starts whining…
I say, "Isaiah, what’s the matter?"
"my nose is spilling," he says.
"oh no! do you need a kleenex?"
"yeah." In a really whiney voice.
He wipes his nose and life is good again. And off we go to chase each other.

So once in awhile we are naughty and go to McDonald’s and get a quick meal. A few weeks ago Isaiah and I went on an outing together to get Daddy’s birthday gifts…and not even thinking about lunch we left at 11:00 to make sure we’d be done by nap time (man, you have to plan with kids…can’t interfere with nap time, lunch time, snack time, etc…) so on the way to the store I ask Isaiah, "do you want a hamburger for lunch?" Of course Isaiah shouts, "YEA!!" So as we approach McDonald’s he says, "there it is, we’re going to the Hamburger’s House." I say, "yep, we are going to the Hamburger’s House."

Since then Isaiah refers to lots of things as "whatever it is’ house" like Chuck E Cheese’s House.

One of Isaiah’s new favorite foods is Chicken Nuggets. He also is starting to have opinions about things—like what we should have for lunch. I ask him just about every day what he wants for lunch and he’ll usually answer peanutbutter sandwiches, chicken nuggets, hot dogs or some other toddler favorite! He’s a very typical toddler when it comes to food (I think!).

Here’s a story that Laura shared with me about Isaiah at her house…

Laura: What should we have for lunch?
Isaiah: Chicken Nuggets
Laura: How many do you want?
Jayda: two
Isaiah: ALL OF THEM!!!!

Another funny one from Laura…
Isaiah was at Laura’s house and he was looking out the window… and he saw a bunch of squirrels … and he shouts, "Look at those monkeys playing out there!"

I could go on and on with all of the funny things he does... I'll post more again another day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the funny stories about Isaiah...too cute! It's amazing how kids think.