Friday, May 1, 2009

brothers...and friends..

When I found out Levi was going to be a boy about 20 weeks into my second pregnancy I was really excited, I knew having two boys within two years would be a lot of fun...and I hoped that they would become good friends as they grew up. I thought maybe when they were 2 and 4 they could play and be buddies...I never, ever expected them to be friends at 2 1/2 and 8 months old...but they are...truly they are.

Isaiah LOVES LOVES LOVES Levi...and Levi LOVES LOVES LOVES Isaiah... and it is so sweet. So many times when Isaiah is cranky, if you put Levi by him Levi will instantly put a smile on his face...and vice versa, if Levi is bored with what is going on, I'll ask Isaiah to play with him and they will both just laugh and laugh.

As the years go by I hope the bond they have now only strengthens and that they will be best friends for life...
I love my boys...

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