Sunday, October 12, 2008

Children of God

Way back when I was pregnant with Isaiah, both Mark and I knew that we wanted our babies to be baptized. When Isaiah was born, Mark got to come home from Iraq for 2 weeks to visit. We planned to have Isaiah baptized then, but things got crazy and it never happened. Then he got home from the deployment (10 months later) and we meant to have Isaiah baptized then. Well, that didn't happen either. Then I got pregnant with Levi and we decided it would be nice to have them baptized together... and that happened this morning! The service began with a few songs to sing and opening comments and then our baptism! Both Isaiah and Levi were in good spirits as we (Mark with Isaiah and me with Levi) walked up (stood out of our chairs and took one step forward :) ) and the pastor said a few words and then baptized Levi first. Then it was Isaiah's turn. He did great! I was a little nervous that he might not like the pastor putting water on his head, but thankfully he just got his hands wet and put it on Isaiah's forehead while he was upright in Mark's arms. Then he lit the baptism candles...and Isaiah kept blowing at it like a birthday candle... (so cute!) and then Isaiah got restless...and I took him and Mark took Levi and a few more words were said and it was over... and our two little boys are now baptized. It couldn't have worked out more beautifully!

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