Wednesday, October 22, 2008

home with the little ones

Well, I did it. I made it through 2 weeks of full time working...which means I'm officially part time! Today was my first day home and it was great! My friend and co-worker and I have the perfect set up. Back in June we were able to get our supervisor to approve us job sharing one position, but we decided not to start job share until we were both off maternity leave. This means that we are sharing one full time job. We each have to work 40 hours every pay period and they have given us the flexibility to choose how we want to do it. We've decided to try each working 2 ten hour days per week. I will work Monday and Wednesdays and then I'll have the rest of the week home. One of the amazing parts of this is, that my friend and job share partner and I have agreed to watch each other's kids so that we do not have to worry about daycare! She has two kids too...Jayda who is turning two this month and Jonah who is 3 months old. Which means we basically have 2 sets of twins on our hands. :) Although it sounds crazy, it's actually quite fun! Because Levi and Jonah are just a few weeks apart, we were on maternity leave at the exact same time and practiced having the kids all at once. So they are all comfortable at both homes, and Jayda and Isaiah are great buddies.

So I'm guessing that I'll have tons of fun little stories from each day to share since there will be four little ones around our house; today alone I have several cute stories...but I'll share just one.

Isaiah and Jayda each had a go-gert (one of Isaiah's new favorite snacks, he loves that he can do it himself and it is yummy like candy but I let him have it whenever he wants to--pretty much). They were each eating one so nicely at the little Cars card table we have set up in our living room so I went to the kitchen to work on the dishes (since our dishwasher is broken AGAIN!). Isaiah comes in swinging his go-gert and what do you know, he's holding it upside down. Yogart goes flying all over the kitchen across the refridgerator, the basement door and all over Jayda's pants. We all thought it was pretty fun that our kitchen was decorated with pink yogart, but I decided we'd better clean it up.

Check back tomorrow, maybe I'll have some fun pictures.

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