Sunday, October 19, 2008

Our big boy had a big Saturday night!!

After dinner on Saturday night, Mark and I started cleaning up the kitchen and we asked Isaiah if he wanted to help. He's usually pretty agreeable to doing things that mommy and daddy are doing, so he said sure. We started unloading the dishwasher... He has helped me unload it many times before. He likes to take one thing out and hand it to me, "here you go mama" and go get another one "here you go mama" and I put them away. This time, he went to the dishwasher and got out the lid to a pan and took it to the cupboard and put it away--in the right spot! Mark and I looked at each other very impressed and a little shocked! Isaiah went back to the dishwasher and got out a pan, and went and put that away--again in the right spot. Then I grabbed a bigger tupperware bowl and said, "here Isaiah, can you put this away?" and what do you know, he put it away in the right spot! What a big helper!

Soon after dinner I was feeding Levi on the couch and Isaiah was playing near me. He looked up and said, "poopy Mama."

"You went poopy?" I asked.


"You have to go poopy?"



"Sit on mommy's potty," Isaiah said. (not sure why he calls it my potty, but that works)

So Mark took him in and sat him down on the big toilet. They tried to go, but of course nothing happened. Mark brought out Isaiah's potty to sit in the living room by me. Isaiah sat there for a few minutes and then stood up and said, "poopy!" and what do you know--he pooped in his potty!!! This is the first time Isaiah has gone in his potty EVER! We cleaned it up, and then Isaiah and I went into the bathroom and he sat on his potty again and went a little more! We were all so excited and tried to make a big deal out of it for Isaiah. We called grandpa and grandma to tell them the big news and then a little while later grandma called back to talk to Isaiah to tell her how proud she was of him!

He's getting so big!

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