Thursday, October 30, 2008

Crafty Pumpkins!

It's been my goal with the two little toddlers in my house to have at least one crafty project to do each day, one structured music time each day, and one story time each day; sounds easy enough, right? Well, wrong...with two 3 month old babies hanging out too, sometimes getting each of those activities in has been a big challenge. But each time I have all four of them here, it gets easier and I'm confident that very soon getting each of those activities in will be a breeze... (I've gotten at least 2 of the 3 in each day, so that's not too bad).

On Tuesday we did a fun pumpkin/jack-o-lantern craft and the kids couldn't get enough of it! Thank you Sarah!! I cut out pumpkin shapes from orange construction paper and eyes, noses, and mouths from black. I let each toddler pick out which pumpkin they wanted first. Then I let them pick out which set of eyes they wanted. Then I let them use a glue stick to put glue on them--and oh boy did they think that was COOL! Then the same for the nose and mouth. At first I was kind of steering them as to where to put the pieces, but then my husband encouraged me to let them decide...and that was such a great idea! Take a look at the fun we had!

Picking out the first pumpkins

Gluing the eyes on

Look what we did!!! They were both so proud of their creations! It was really neat to see them making something and really trying hard at it...and succeeding!

Here are Isaiah's final two pumpkins... I forgot to take a picture of all four pumpkins before I sent Jayda's home with her... (duh).

1 comment:

In Light of the Truth... said...

that's so fun! I'm glad you guys could do it too! let me know if you come up with any craft ideas!